Monday, February 28, 2011


Well today I'm not very happy. I spoke with the nurse from my surgeons office to see if by chance the approval came through.... Well she explains to me that she spoke with the gal who handles the insurance approvals and she had not sent it through yet....... WHAT????????????

I'm seriously pissed off right now. She explained to me that she told her it was ready on Thursday the 17th and the gal never put it in. So a week and 3 days went by and I was waiting for nothing?! So, the approval went in today and she said they should know in about a week. I guess the reason she did not put it through was because she had a question, but instead of asking the question, it just sat on her desk! UGH!

My guess is that I will have to go have another psych eval because that is what she was waiting on, to ask if I had done a more recent one. Such is life. Another week of waiting. Come on already, I WANT MY DS! I'm hoping I'm calmed down by then or I will NOT pass my psych eval.

Be Well ~ Much Love

Thursday, February 24, 2011

This time 'round

So, I gave you a brief look into what happened last time I tried for Bariatric Surgery, now I will fill you in on what it looks like this time.

A couple of days after my 3 month weigh-in, I took my kids out to a Chinese restaurant. My fortune cookie said... "3 months from now, you will get very good news." I instantly thought, "Sweet!" I was thinking that it meant that I would know shortly after my 6 month weigh-in that I would be approved. But as the date got closer, I realized that at that 2 days after the 3 months that fortune cookie was talking about was my visit with my oncologist. That visit was something I was dreading in the back of my mind because I was so scared that as I was gonna get bad news this time around. However, that meeting went well and as I did not get any scans, he went off blood work and feeling around my lymph nodes. I'm sure, (if I really believed in fortune cookies telling your future) that that was my 3 months from now good news. ;)

I finished up my weigh-ins in January and had to wait for some results and letters of recommendation to come through to the surgeon's office. All paperwork that is necessary for insurance approval has been received and they sent off for the approval on February 18th. The insurance lady I am working with said that my insurance usually takes a week to a week and a couple of days to get an answer. I am going to be calling on Monday the 28th to check on the approval. I'm so nervously excited, I can hardly contain my emotions.

Tick Tock Tick Tock.....

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

My First Attempt And My Big Surprise...

My journey to having weight loss surgery has been a long one. Back in July of 2008, I started the process of my 6 month supervised diet that is required by my insurance. I can remember that during my 2nd weigh-in I had a cough and I mentioned it to my doctor and she said well lets just see what it does. I do not remember if I asked her about it at any of the next monthly weigh-ins until the last. It was December 9th. I said, "You know, that cough I have has never gone away." It was a dry cough, never producing anything, just a light little cough through out the day. And as I look back on it, I can remember when I was lying down and turning side to side I could feel something moving in my chest. Kind of like when you have a sinus thing going on and you can feel it move when you switch which side you are lying on. Ok, I got off track there... so, December 9th... After I mentioned it to her, she said well we can do a chest x-ray, you will need one before the surgery anyway. I went to the x-ray room and then came back and waited for the results. My doctor came in the room with tears in her eyes and said, "Michelle, there is something there." I don't remember much of the conversation or of her showing me the x-ray until I stopped crying and said... "What do I need to do? Dying is not an option." I made some follow up appointments and a few scans and a biopsy latter, I find out I have Hodgkins Lymphoma. I met a wonderful oncologist and searched EVERYTHING I could about the cancer and the treatment choices I was offered. I did 6 months of chemotherapy and 20 days of radiation. As of January 2011, I have been cancer free for a year and a half. I have not had scans for a while, but will get them in July or before the weight loss surgery if I am approved.