Thursday, February 24, 2011

This time 'round

So, I gave you a brief look into what happened last time I tried for Bariatric Surgery, now I will fill you in on what it looks like this time.

A couple of days after my 3 month weigh-in, I took my kids out to a Chinese restaurant. My fortune cookie said... "3 months from now, you will get very good news." I instantly thought, "Sweet!" I was thinking that it meant that I would know shortly after my 6 month weigh-in that I would be approved. But as the date got closer, I realized that at that 2 days after the 3 months that fortune cookie was talking about was my visit with my oncologist. That visit was something I was dreading in the back of my mind because I was so scared that as I was gonna get bad news this time around. However, that meeting went well and as I did not get any scans, he went off blood work and feeling around my lymph nodes. I'm sure, (if I really believed in fortune cookies telling your future) that that was my 3 months from now good news. ;)

I finished up my weigh-ins in January and had to wait for some results and letters of recommendation to come through to the surgeon's office. All paperwork that is necessary for insurance approval has been received and they sent off for the approval on February 18th. The insurance lady I am working with said that my insurance usually takes a week to a week and a couple of days to get an answer. I am going to be calling on Monday the 28th to check on the approval. I'm so nervously excited, I can hardly contain my emotions.

Tick Tock Tick Tock.....

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